How can you learn to cook properly?


Welding is the strongest connection of parts, such that they can not be separated from each other afterwards. In everyday life, this method has found very wide application.

Welding training

When learning to weld, the welding current from the transformer should be increased by 15 to 20%.

For example, welding is used for the manufacture of:

  • the chain-link which is a type of a grid;
  • frameworks for the greenhouse;
  • various kinds of stoves used in baths and garages;
  • any kind of containers that will be very handy at the cottage.

It should be noted that it is desirable for everyone to learn how to cook, because only in this case it is possible to give ordinary things a rather amazing and interesting look. After all, an openwork fence looks much better than a regular fence.

Why is welding so reliable?

Selection of welding current

Welding current selection table.

Welding is used only when it is necessary to create a really strong and reliable connection. Its secret lies in the electric arc, which is designed to heat the alloys of various metals.

Under the action of high temperatures, they are deformed and can take absolutely any shape. And at the same time there are bonds, consisting of molecules, which have tremendous strength.

Nowadays, welding is completely different. So, on the market you can find devices based on laser and electron beams, ultrasound, as well as those that are cooked with the help of a gas burner flame.

However, for conventional welding in everyday life, a well-known device based on an electric arc is still used. And not without reason, because it is available to the majority of the population and has simple functionality.

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Ways to Cook

Types of electrode welding

Scheme types of welding electrode.

Many different methods can be used for welding. The most popular of them are:

  1. Gas press, where the flame of acetyl oxygen is used. The main advantage of this welding is that it has a huge performance. That is why this species is widely used in such industries as oil and gas. Special cases of its use are, for example, the erection of any highways intended for the movement of minerals, and mechanical engineering.
  2. Contact This type of welding is carried out using electric current, which has a sufficiently low voltage, but nevertheless has a high strength. This method is used in butt-welding, shock and pitting.

In addition to all of the above, it is sometimes possible to meet such varieties as electroslag and roller welding, but they are used quite rarely and only in certain conditions.

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How to choose the right equipment?

End of electrode welding

The scheme of the end of the welding electrode.

In order to learn how to weld, you need to competently and responsibly approach the choice of equipment for this action. You can either purchase the appropriate device, or rent it for a certain period.

Now you can find a variety of modern devices, for example, those that can raise or lower the amperage. For those who love to do everything with their own hands, it is proposed to make this kind of device from any available tools. But immediately it is necessary to warn that this is a very thorough and even a bit tedious thing.

If we consider the purchase of a welding machine, it is best to pay attention to this type of inverter. It differs from all its other counterparts in that it has a fairly high performance and at the same time is quite compact and light. Plus, even a beginner in this business can learn how to handle it, and the cost of such equipment is pleasantly surprising. In addition to all of the above, it starts working literally immediately after switching on, that is, the process will go very quickly.

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The right choice of electrodes for welding

Welding process

Scheme of the welding process.

If you need to properly learn how to cook by welding, then you should definitely pay attention to the choice of electrodes. These devices are designed to supply current to the weld seam itself. It is not difficult to guess that they perform an important function in this whole process, therefore welding without such devices will simply not succeed.

As a rule, wire is used as such material, which contains special powder, which melts if necessary. But if you have to work with welding for the first time, it is best to use electrodes that look like solid rods with a meltable coating. The fact is that they will allow creating a perfectly flat seam both for a specialist and a beginner in this field.

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How to protect yourself during welding?

Those who have learned to cook will say that this process itself is dangerous. After all, the bright emission of light that accompanies this process can easily implant vision, and splashes of hot metal cause significant burns. That is why welders are always in the shield and mask, which are made of a special material that protects against such negative consequences.

It is necessary to take care of the hands, which can also get during the work. In particular, it is necessary to acquire canvas or suede mittens that can protect against burns. In addition to all of the above, it is useful to wear overalls made of thick tarpaulin or rubber.

It should be noted and the fact that when carrying out such work can start a fire something. So you always need to carry a container with water or a fire extinguisher.

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How to perform welding work?

In order for welding to succeed, you must follow a special instruction, which clearly spells out the procedure.

Electrode manipulation

The scheme of manipulation of the electrode.

Naturally, it is very difficult to do this, especially at the beginning of work, but over time this skill will develop automatically:

  1. The surface on which the process will be carried out must be thoroughly cleaned. In particular, it should not have rust and dirt. Otherwise, the metal will not be able to grab properly.
  2. Before proceeding with such work, it is necessary to place the electrode in a specially designated place and form an electric arc. In order to do this, it is necessary to strike the inserted rod on any metal.
  3. Once the electric arc is fully formed, you can create a gap between the surface that you want to connect, and the arc itself. It should be noted that in order to achieve a more or less even seam, this space must remain unchanged during the entire welding process.
  4. The angle at which the rod must be tilted should be within 70 degrees. However, it can be changed, but only if it is really necessary. After all, when performing such work, it is impossible to measure out a strict deviation, since comfort and convenience in work come to the fore.
  5. It is necessary to take into account such fact as a stable supply of electric current. In particular, if its strength is higher than permissible, the metal will simply melt, and as a result, it will be completely different from what is needed. If this very force is understated, the process of extinguishing the arc will take place, which, again, will negatively affect the result of the work done. At first, it will be quite difficult to work out that golden mean, but over time, experience will come.

It must be said that one should start with a simple one and gradually develop the skill of handling such equipment. Then, when the result will satisfy, you can go on to create more complex and interesting things.