How can milling wood patterned


Work frezer is not only in the manufacture of some large and complex products, but also in the work on the difficult in form of the details of wood, which may be needed in large quantities. As a rule, templates are used for this, which help to produce many completely identical parts.

Diagram of a milling machine with a template

The scheme of the milling machine with a template.

There are two basic tips for working with templates: a copy sleeve and a special copy milling cutter with a bearing. The sleeve slides more along the edge, as a result, the blank turns out to be slightly larger than the template itself. And with the help of a milling cutter, you can make a very precise cutting of the part. It is for this reason, experts prefer to use the cutter is for cutting parts, and the sleeve - for rounding edges.

Two options for working with samples

It is advisable to consider in more detail milling with your own hands, since it is necessary to have at least elementary skills to work with it. The work of the mill with the bearing involves two options for its use. The first is based on the manufacture of a sample of cardboard, and the second - directly the parts below it.

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Cutting parts by pattern

So, first you need to consider the manufacture of the sample, and only then the parts based on it. First you need to make the required template. To do this, on a dense cardboard the desired shape is depicted with a simple pencil, after which it is cut. Do everything carefully, as the quality of the final wooden parts will depend on it.

Ring and Pattern Milling

The scheme of milling on the ring and pattern.

Now you need to cut the required number of blanks, which later will be brought to perfection. To do this, draw a detail along the contour on the tree and with allowances of approximately 0.5 cm along the entire contour, cut the edges. So is the required number of blanks. Next, the nozzle with the bearing is installed in the router collet, which will be used for the final sawing.

Next, take one of the blanks and stick the cardboard sample onto the double-sided tape exactly along the contour. Make sure that the template and the workpiece fit closely to each other and do not move in the process. Work the cutter in such a way that the bearing comes in close contact with the edge of the template, and the blade cuts precisely along the contour.

It should be noted that the mills of this type can have two purposes: for working on the table and in the hands. Milling on the table is much easier, especially when it comes to large parts with complex edges. The main thing during such work is to evenly distribute the force on the mill.

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Pattern Milling

The second option involves a slightly different milling. First, a large piece is cut out of cardboard, which in size should be larger than the assumed original part along all contours. Next on this cardboard template you need to carefully draw the outline of the future work. Further under this cardboard the tree from which it is necessary to cut out the necessary part is enclosed. Small holes are made around it for easier working with the tool.

The scheme of milling on the machine with mechanized feed

The scheme of milling on the machine with a mechanized feed.

All you need to do is to cut the material you need with the help of a milling cutter, while leaving a small allowance of about 1-2 mm.

When the main part is cut, using an electric jigsaw or a grinding tool, it is necessary to align all edges, obtaining the final required part size.

So work with each part in turn, using the same sample.

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Types of nozzles for working with templates

No matter what kind of milling you prefer, the use of a specific bit on the router is important.

Today there are quite a few such tips. Therefore, in order to obtain a qualitative result, it is necessary to think carefully about which one of them to choose to process your parts.

There are several types of nozzles that will help you simplify the work on individual parts of the wooden parts. So, tapered cutters can give a certain angle in a tree, disc ones are an excellent choice for cutting parts at right angles. For rounding off are nozzles of a waving type. But the seam and profiled nozzles are perfect for the artistic finishing of wood parts.

There are also very complex details. Here it is necessary to carry out milling over them combined, using one or other types of cutters. However, even for the same area can be used several different tips. Typically, such complex works have a certain artistic value. At the same time, if you do not have the opportunity to use different nozzles, you can limit yourself to one main one. But in this case, the work will be long and will require much more laboriousness from you.

So, the main points on working with templates for milling on wood are considered. If you take into account the above tips and consistency, milling carefully and not in a hurry, you can achieve good results and get beautiful identical parts.