The independent choice of the puncher for the house


In modern apartments, the ceilings and walls are made of durable concrete. Conventional drill does not allow to drill holes in such walls. For such work, a special punch for the house is used. Much is available to this tool: it will drill a hole in the densest material.

Punching job

The perforator is an indispensable tool for self-repair in the apartment.

The difference between home punch and professional punch

To use such a tool, you must first understand its characteristics and find out its difference from the impact drill. When such a drill works, the hole is drilled due to the rotation of the chuck. Supplement becomes a blow. A perforator for home use uses impact energy to drill a hole.

Chuck scheme

Scheme of the cartridge.

Therefore, it can handle any high density material. The main difference of the professional device is the time of constant action. The household tool can work continuously for only 4 hours, when the professional will perform the same work for six hours. And the puncher needs rest every 25 minutes. Rest lasts about the same.

It must be said that companies that manufacture professional tools, strive to make products that have a minimal effect on the human body. Therefore, this tool has a low vibration.

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The device and its features

Puncher device scheme

Diagram of the device punch.

Electromagnetic shock create two coils. The core receives the function of translational motion. It transmits the impact to the butt end of the drill due to the transfer of the mass of the impact force. Pneumatic impact occurs due to the piston, which makes a forward movement. Thus, there is a compression, the hammer passes the impact to the end of the nozzle.

Tool turning in the perforator is completely excluded. Therefore, to limit the torque, the circuit diagram is equipped with a safety clutch. As a result, the tool receives protection against possible jamming of the drill during operation. The design of the newest punch for the house provides several additional features:

  • reverse;
  • speed setting;
  • antivibration;
  • indicators;
  • immobilizer;
  • friction clutch.
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The difference between a percussion drill and a perforator

The principle of operation of the percussion hammer mechanism

The principle of operation of the percussion hammer mechanism.

Many believe that the work of the drill, which has a percussion mechanism, is similar to the work of a perforator. This opinion is wrong. Of course, each such tool punches a hole, however, they have a different blow force. Moreover, the impact occurs in absolutely different ways.

The impact drill becomes a piercer due to the gear transmission, which is created by two wheels, which are called “ratchet”. When the drill receives some pressure, its axis acquires an oscillatory motion, due to which a hole is made. However, the performance is quite low, the impact force is very small. So it is not possible to break through the dense concrete with this tool.

In contrast to the drill, the purpose of the punch is to drill particularly hard materials, such as:

  • a rock;
  • concrete;
  • brick.
Modes of punch

Modes of punch.

In addition, he can transfer the effort to the working end of the drill, which will give the opportunity to perform work with such a tool, obtaining the maximum effect.

A punch for home use uses an electropneumatic system. It allows you to get a shock mass, which is enough to cope, for example, with concrete. When performing works it is not necessary to make great efforts to the handle of the tool. Some models have a mechanical shock system very similar to a hammer drill system, but their strength is much worse than a pneumatic system.

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The choice of punch for home

The most important characteristic influencing the choice of such a tool is considered:

  • impact energy;
  • power.
Punch vibration damping

Vibration damping perforator.

The best power at which excellent results are achieved is 800 watts. This power allows you to produce a very large number of various technological operations. Why are we talking only about these characteristics? The fact is that all others depend on them. For example, the size of the hole in concrete directly depends on how much power the engine has. Note that at high power, a longer period of time will be possible to operate the tool.

Choosing a punch for the house requires a preliminary definition of future work and modes of operation of the tool. The punch basically has three modes:

  • hammering;
  • simple drilling;
  • chiselling
Kinds of nozzles for perforators

Kinds of nozzles for perforators.

Each of these processes can be called main. For example, hammer drilling is necessary to produce holes in particularly hard materials, such as:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • fake diamond.

Drilling is also very important when the use of a blow is not required. This mode is used as an extra. Usually they are equipped with dual-mode perforators, which are used for the preparation of holes with a large diameter crown with carbide tipped.

Conventional drilling, when the impact function is turned off, allows drilling:

  • tile;
  • ceramic granite;
  • marble;
  • granite.

Chiseling has become one of the additional modes of perforator for the house. This process allows you to:

  • smash a brick wall;
  • screw a large hole;
  • separate tile.
Diagram of the internal part of the punch

Diagram of the internal part of the punch.

In this operation, the perforator does not use torsion and kick. For this mode, special nozzles are provided:

  • chisels;
  • saws;
  • molding chisels.

When choosing a punch, you must remember that not every tool has all three modes at the same time. It is very important for the work to have a reverse punch. This mode is necessary for the tool when it is possible to clamp the drill during operation. Very often, the drill when drilling drills in a niche wall, especially when there is a slight bias. Reverse allows you to solve this problem.

After switching on the reverse stroke, the drill is quietly removed from the wall and remains intact.

The perforator is classified according to the brand of drive installed. The most common is the electric mains drive. The engine in such an instrument may be located in a vertical or horizontal plane.

Technical characteristics of punchers with a different internal volume

Technical characteristics of punchers with a different internal volume.

When performing facade work, perforators are used, called electric, battery. They are powered by a battery, and it can be located outside the tool body or directly attached to the body. The battery has several varieties:

  • lithium ion;
  • nickel cadmium;
  • nickel metal hybrid.

Punchers are also divided into:

  • pneumatic. They work in especially critical conditions;
  • gasoline. They carry out road works.

Perforators, which have a system that allows for vacuum extraction, are endowed with an especially complex device. This process is based on the strength of the airflow that occurs when an electric motor fan is running. Today, there are also models of punch, which have a two-speed gearbox.

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How to make a choice: punch for use at home

Punch stator circuit

The punch stator circuit.

Before you make a purchase of such a tool, you need to know in detail that this tool requires special attention. It is very important that the hammer drill has a safety clutch. It will turn off the tool in time and protect the worker from serious damage when the drill is jammed when drilling a hole.

Performance punch does not depend on its power. This parameter affects only the dimensions of the future hole:

  • diameter;
  • thickness.

If the instrument is equipped with a special stop switch, it will be possible to maintain the operating state of the instrument for a long time. The worker will not need to constantly hold the power button. Excellent machines are equipped with a speed governor, which makes it possible to work at one speed of rotation during tool operation.

Nozzles and extension cords for perforators

Nozzles and extension cords for perforators.

Selecting a punch in the store is easy enough; you must first familiarize yourself with its components. Best of all, when as a complement to the tool will be attached a set of brushes for the engine and a set of drills. Sometimes there is no such kit. You have to purchase additional accessories yourself, which will increase the cost of the tool.

When buying such a tool, it is worth reading customer reviews, to see who made this tool. When the manufacturer is unknown, in most cases the instrument will be disposable. A puncher that was released by a well-known company, if you follow all the recommendations, will serve the consumer for many years.

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Impact energy: some nuances

Perhaps the main parameter of such a unit is the impact energy. This value is measured in joules. Lightweight models have a strike force that does not exceed two joules. More powerful drills are able to achieve the impact force of 15 joules. The force of impact energy affects the size of the diameter of the hole. To get a hole of large diameter, you need a powerful blow.

Arm release scheme

Scheme of removal of the lever.

With a small amount of impact energy, the tool begins to work like a normal impact drill. And the hole will not break through, the tool will simply be engaged in drilling. The result of such insufficient power will be a quick breakdown of the entire tooling, it will be impossible to obtain high performance.

The impact energy does not depend on the load on the punch. High pressure is required when using a hammer drill. Often in the store you can hear from the manager that the perforator of this model has a high impact energy. You should not especially listen to such words. If this parameter exceeds 10 joules, the instrument will quickly break. The fact is that such high loads lead to the destruction of refractory inserts. The breakdown process is very fast.

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Impact frequency: aspects

The number of percussion piston strikes in the hammer for one minute is called the impact frequency. When a large number of blows increases the rate of penetration of the material. The performance of the tool is largely influenced by such parameters as:

  • frequency;
  • impact energy.

Manufacturers who produce very reliable and high-performance devices, necessarily in each model combine these two indicators. In this regard, when the choice of a punch is made, the most attention should be paid to well-known brands. Their products are always distinguished by the highest quality and long service life.

Power punch is always less than the power of an electric drill for home Everything is explained very simply. The drilling operation is much harder than the drilling operation. The punch shaft should not have high speed during operation, it is always less than the speed of the drill.

Depending on the model used by the cartridge has some differences and power. When it reaches 800 watts, they use models equipped with SDS-Plus cartridges. Tools that have installed SDS-Max chucks have a capacity of up to 1.2 kilowatts. From the above we can conclude: it is not necessary when focusing on the punch to focus maximum attention on power. This is not the most important indicator.

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Spindle and speed

It has already been said that the perforator shaft rotates at a speed that is less than the speed of the drill. The class of the device affects this value. The maximum it can reach 1500 revolutions per minute. With increasing power, the speed of rotation of the tool begins to fall, its performance decreases. This is due to the design features. Especially productive models have a large diameter tooling. Basically, the rotation of the shaft of the device is necessary to remove dust after the drilling operation. The small bore rotates much faster, the large one much slower. At non-observance of such condition the equipment quickly becomes unsuitable.

The perforator, which has a high speed of rotation of the shaft, usually have a lot of weight, and this causes difficulties in operation. The negative side is also the wear of the spiral grooves through which the drilling waste is removed. Wear of the grooves leads to rapid heating, which makes it possible to jam the drill in the hole.