How to drill a hole in the iron


Often there are situations in everyday life when you have to work in extreme conditions. One of the most difficult jobs is to drill cast iron, because It refers to abrasive materials. The reasons can be many: from the finalization of the bath to personal technical ideas.

Spiral Drill Elements for Cast Iron

Elements of twist drill bit for cast iron.

Detailed instructions for drilling iron

Tools and materials required for work:

  • ruler;
  • marker;
  • wooden bar;
  • Bulgarian;
  • kerosene solution.
Auger Drills for Cast Iron

Auger drill bits for cast iron.

Before you drill a hole in the iron, you need to clearly define the goals and objectives, because need to see exactly the final result. While drilling the holes in the bath without prior experience mistakes are made. The three most common are slipping holes, chipped enamels and even drill breaks.

Before you begin to do anything, you need to make sure that in front of you really is cast iron. The easiest way is to try to lift the product. If it does not rise due to the huge mass, then the error did not arise. Otherwise it is ordinary steel.

The most important aspect that should not be forgotten throughout the work is the lack of haste. Even if it is very necessary and tight deadlines, it is necessary to drill cast iron at cruising speed, because the material is not just very hard, but also very fragile, which is why you can inadvertently say goodbye to the cast iron product.

Now you can start the preparatory work. At the very beginning of the preparation, it is necessary to install all the necessary marks on the surface using a black or red thick marker. Points are set small, so that when working accidentally do not take the drill from the selected positions.

The drill should be made of carbide steel, and its sharpening should be immaculate. The drill should be on metal with an angle of 116-118 degrees, so as not to scratch the surface, namely, to dig in. If this moment is not taken into account, then with a very high probability the enamel will not be cut by a careful circle, but will crack, causing cracks around itself.

If you want to insure, you can use a wooden bar. A hole is made in it, which is 2 mm higher than the drill used so that in the course of professional activity there are no difficulties. If possible, this bar should be 2-2.5 cm thick so that the drill does not walk even if the arm fails. The bar will be applied to the surface in such a way that the point marked in advance is visible in the center. It will need to be pressed with one hand while the other is organized the entire workflow.

Often, beginners forget or purposely ignore the cooling of the drill, which is why the workflow is much slower, and the drill itself wears out faster. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to use a kerosene solution. Its consumption is small enough to be able to estimate the drill more expensive.

There is another way to not harm the enamel and at the same time to do everything with the utmost quality - use the grinder. Instead of the usual cutting disc, you need to stitch the grinding wheel, with which the enamel is safely cleaned, and only then the steps described above are carried out. This approach not only minimizes the risks, but also significantly speeds up the process. Usually an additional 2 mm to the diameter, as in this case, the result will be flawless.

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The final stage of the workflow

Types of cast iron

Types of cast iron.

Tools and materials:

  • Bulgarian;
  • alcohol;
  • sealant.

After you managed to drill a hole in the bath, you need to take up the grinder again, but this time the angle grinder is already used for the correct purpose, for grinding the metal surface. If the hole is not sanded, then sharp ends will be ejected in different directions, which not only prevent the work process from completing, but can also injure the skin.

The polished surface of the cast iron immediately after the end of the working process is degreased with alcohol or any other similar solution, after which you need to apply a sealant. Like all metals, cast iron has a high response to exposure to a humid environment, because of which protection is vital for it.

It does not take a lot of time or any serious modern equipment to drill cast iron with your own hands, because instead of the most modern drill, you can use an old brace, and replace the grinder with emery.

If we approach the process according to the instructions with full responsibility, then it is not that difficult to drill the cast iron for a long time.