How to hold a spatula when finishing walls


Level the surface by applying to the walls or ceiling putty before they are painted or wallpapering. At each stage of finishing surfaces of different types of appropriate equipment is used. This type of work is carried out with the help of a special tool - a spatula, which is made of rubber or steel.


Spatulas are used for applying to the surface of various leveling building mixtures.

How to keep the spatula depending on the stage of finishing the working surface?

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Tool selection

Sometimes construction stores offer iron inventory, which has a similar coating. It is undesirable to use this type of inventory, because after finishing the surface there will be rust, which appeared on the putty, which has already dried. This occurs when the iron inventory is not washed every time after applying the mixture. Therefore, after pasting the walls with wallpaper, a trace of rust will appear on their surface.

Spatulas without handles

When choosing a spatula, you need to pay attention to its blade, so that it is elastic and even.

If the fabric inventory is made using stainless steel, then it can be easily washed. However, the steel blade is not able to deform when working with it. When buying a tool, be sure to pay special attention to the blade, which must be elastic and smooth. There is a hard inventory that can break when carrying out work.

You may come across specimens that are ultra-flexible; therefore, you cannot perform work with them without bending the blade with a mixture for finishing walls. Such a tool is difficult to apply putty, as it will fall off the spatula. Paying attention to the size of the spatula, you can pick up a tool of 40 cm.

Size and more suitable, for example, equal to 50 cm, but the deflection of his canvas will be greatest. Attention should be paid to the rigidity of inventory, which can be hard and soft. With a soft spatula, you cannot smooth out large bumps on the walls, as it will sag. You may also need a 10 cm trowel, which allows you to shift the finishing material to a large tool.

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The implementation of the filler work surface

The main tool used for applying putty

The main tool used for applying putty.

It is possible to work correctly when leveling putty on the wall, if you remove material from a wide inventory with a narrow tool. Apply the putty should, if you want to cover the wall with the first layer of finish, then the composition is smeared again from the edges to the middle of the blade.

Putty walls perform vertically. After the putty has dried, the entire wall passes through again, but only horizontally. Then you can walk in two layers, using the final putty for processing the walls. You should try to hold the inventory in your hand more comfortable.

If you use two spatulas at the same time when finishing, then you take large-sized inventory in your left hand, and hold a narrow one, 10 cm wide in your right hand. Usually it is used to seal small cracks. A wide inventory with a convenient hold in the hand is used to apply a continuous layer of putty.

The edges of the blade fold down when it is pressed against the wall. If the blade is pressed perpendicular to the base, the blade does not bend. The putty that drains from the inventory must move towards the middle of the web with another narrow trowel. Thus, it is necessary to keep two spatulas in order to make it more convenient to spread the finishing material on the middle of the blade.

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What features of the spatula need to be considered?

The trajectory of the small spatula

The trajectory of the small spatula.

The inventory is held with five fingers: the big one is put on the front canvas, and the four rear fingers must be held with four fingers. The cloth of the tool in the process of work should be slightly springy, if you press on it. Movement is carried out depending on what stage of work is required to perform. Usually produce mutually perpendicular movements.

Work with wide types of tools requires consideration of all their design characteristics. Pressing the handle causes the trowel to deflect, the edges of which must be bent more than the middle. Sometimes the mixture is applied with the formation of sagging on the surface. Often this happens at the initial stage of work. If too much mixture is spread on it, then it is difficult to squeeze the putty closer to the edges of the blade.

In order for the sagging during the application of the mixture to decrease, it is necessary to gradually reduce the angle of inclination of the web to the surface to be treated. If the blade is tilted, keeping the angle of about 60 °, then you can finish stretching the mixture at an angle to the wall surface of about 20 °. If the mixture is applied to the base for the purpose of subsequent leveling, it is not necessary to produce perpendicular movements. They can be arbitrary. This option is also correct when the putty is stretched by holding the canvas at an angle to the wall surface of 50 ° and ending at an angle of about 15 °.

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Observance of a tilt angle of the tool when performing finishing works

If a layer up to 1 mm in size is applied from left to right, then the right side of the working web is held higher than the left side. On the left, the lane should lie flat. If there is an influx to the right of the tool, the mixture is collected and reused for spreading the next strip. If the mixture is applied from top to bottom, then keep the spatula should be a short part on the left side. If the mixture is applied from bottom to top, this side may be on the left.

Getting the most thin layer of putty putty possible, while respecting the angle of inclination of the tool at 80 °.

Technique applying putty

Technique applying putty.

If the angle of inclination is 60 °, then the layer thickness will be optimal. Finishing in the corners of the room should be performed by pressing on its corners which are deflected upwards with the second hand. Another option is to press with the index finger or 3-4 fingers of the other hand, which is free.

Inventory should be held immediately with two hands for each of the corners of the canvas, if you want to bend around the bumps. Walls can be leveled by rubbing in putty by tilting inventory at an angle to the wall surface. Due to the fact that it is held perpendicular, it is possible to level the bumps and pits on the wall.

When applying starting putty all layers are applied overlapped. This eliminates the formation of transitions and bumps. A large spatula is required to hold so that it is convenient to hold them diagonally. Do not take too large portions, and apply only medium. They should be evenly distributed on the wall, holding the canvas at an angle of 30 °.

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How to keep a spatula when handling any angles and finishing?

Spatula trajectory

The path of the spatula.

The angular trowel, which has a convenient blade, can process the corners between the surfaces qualitatively. When using this type of inventory comply with the following technology. Pre-applied with a small tool along the length of the corner or putty putty. After that, carefully align the wall with a layer of the mixture using an angular spatula, which will completely dry in a day.

When a finishing layer is applied to the mixture, concealing small defects implies their alignment. These defects occur not only for beginners, but also for professionals, so you can use the finishing finish applied by a thin and even layer, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 mm.

When applying the finishing putty tool hold, keeping an angle of 20 ° to the surface of the base.

The mixture is distributed by moving from top to bottom and from left to right. The working part of the canvas is used to apply the mixture for final finishing of the wall with a finishing layer, which is applied to the area treated with the first layer of the mixture.

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Recommendations specialists on how to keep the spatula

In order to prevent gross errors when applying putty, you should properly hold the tool. Otherwise, it is impossible to carry out a qualitative leveling of the base. It is required to take inventory by the handle, which should fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. The index finger located on top of the working part of the tool, provide a normal hold-down. This is required when finishing the work surface.

In order to level the surface from the first time, you should press the corners of the blade with your second hand. This will do all the work with a minimum of movements. To prevent the blade from turning in, the spatula is held at a right angle when leveling the mixture.

If a large amount of material is applied to the work surface, it will fall out from each edge. This causes the occurrence of sagging, therefore, gradually reduce the angle of inclination of the spatula relative to the surface. For example, if the mixture is spread, holding the tool at an angle of 60 °, then finish the application of putty, observing an angle of 30 °.

For high-quality performance of work it is necessary to have 2 spatulas with a narrow and wide blade. If the tool has a narrow blade, then it is used to remove small defects. This will smooth out the influx by applying the working mixture to the wall. To level the large work surfaces, use the equipment with a wide blade.

When buying a spatula should not save on the tool. Buying inventory made of stainless steel, you can do all the work from the first time. Only then the decoration of the walls of the premises will not be associated with additional problems. Observing the technology of applying the mixture, you should not save on materials.

Any newcomer can become a master of wall decoration of rooms if he works properly with a spatula.