As with the ceiling plinth should cut corners


Repair in the room is completed with the installation of baseboards, floor and ceiling. If the lower decorative strips are not too striking, the ceiling fillet is visible, and the overall impression of the repair in the room also depends on how well it is installed. How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth will be described below, but for now, remember that the most attention is paid to the state of the joints of the ceiling plinths. The gaps in the corners of the fillets indicate that you have incorrectly marked and trimmed the facing strips. Following the recommendations, you can easily cope with precise cutting of the ends of the baseboards. And to abandon the installation of ceiling fillets is not worth it, since they not only hide the joints of the facing of the ceiling and walls, but also combine all the surfaces in the room into a single composition.

Trimming adjacent fillets for interior corners

Trimming adjacent fillets for interior corners.

Materials for the production of baseboards

For the manufacture of ceiling baseboards used 4 types of material:

  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • Styrofoam;
  • wood;
  • PVC

PVC galtels act as a finishing profile for the walls of plastic panels. Their installation is as simple as the installation of PVC plates, and the corner joints are closed with overlays. But at the baseboards of wood and polystyrene, cut the corners with caution to ensure neat joints without gaps. Skirting foam and polystyrene is easy to process. It can even be cut with a stationery knife. The extrusion material is somewhat denser than the foamed material, which makes it more resistant to possible damage, and it is cut a little more difficult, and the rest of the two types of foam are almost the same. Traditional wood baseboards will have to be cut with a hacksaw. Worst of all processing can be planks that are made of hardwood.

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How to work with the help of the box?

Steps for installing ceiling plinth angle

Stages of installation of ceiling plinth angle.

When cutting skirting boards, the main task is to cut corners correctly. In rooms with right angles, fillets are easier to cut: you just need to withstand when cutting 45 °. Before you cut the corners of the ceiling plinth, you need to put a square to the corresponding sections of the ceiling, and if its sides are tight enough to the walls, then you can safely use a block. This device allows you to cut pieces of wood and other materials at exactly the specified angle. Nevertheless, before starting work it is better to practice on rough blanks in order to gain some experience.

And the process of cutting ceiling plinth in the bust looks like.

  1. The plinth is inserted into the piece.
  2. Its face, which will touch the ceiling, should be pressed against the side of the molded metal.
  3. A wood saw (for wooden slats), a metal saw or a construction knife (for foam fillets) are inserted into the slots of the fixture.
  4. The angle is cut.

Work should be well sharpened cutting tool to the corners of the ceiling plinth were sawed off as accurately as possible.

After processing 2 adjacent planks, attach them to the installation site and check if there are gaps between them. Small gaps (up to 2 mm) can be fixed. The ends of the skirting board made of PPP are trimmed with a knife, and the edges of the wooden product are sanded with emery paper wrapped around the bar.

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Cutting strips for external and internal corners

The scheme of trimming strips the inner corner of the ceiling plinth

Scheme trim trim strips the inner corner of the ceiling plinth.

It is necessary to remember the direction of cutting corners, as it may be that you sawed both skirting boards in one direction, and it will be good if you can install them in another place. In order not to be mistaken, use the hint. On it, the letter “a” denotes the edge adjacent to the wall, and the letter “b” denotes the side adjacent to the ceiling. How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth, if they are external. To meet them in modern housing is quite difficult, but they are still found in old apartments.

Please note that the inner joints of the sides of the slats, which will be pressed against the wall, are longer than the sides that are pressed against the ceiling. On the outer joints, the sides of the overlap to the overlap are longer. With this in mind, you can correctly markup for cutting. If the plinth is adjacent to the inner corners, then its length is equal to the distance between them. The distance from the end is made on its ceiling part. If there are external corners behind the fillet, then it should be longer than the wall. A mark is placed on the ceiling face at the point of junction to the corner, and a segment is added to the wall face. Some strips with one end adjacent to the inner corner, and others - to the outside. In accordance with this done and markup.

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How to cut without a flush?

It is possible to cut the plinth without a flush. With right angles, it is easier to do. The width of the end part of the plank is measured. Then on its upper or lower side (depending on which fillet you need) a mark is placed at the same distance as the width of the bar. From the corner to the point is a line.

After that you can cut the plinth. To fit adjacent elements to each other, you can use a table or a rectangular pattern. Adjusting the slats with their help, there is no need to constantly rise to the ceiling and attach fillets to it.

For angles deviating from 90°, cut the straps somewhat more difficult. In any case, their ends are cut at an angle equal to half the angle between the walls, so it is important to measure it as accurately as possible. In order not to buy a small protractor, make a device of 2 rails, which from one side are tightened with a self-tapping screw or screw. Attaching them to the ceiling in the corner part, dissolve the slats, until they rest against the walls. Using the protractor, you can measure the resulting angle.

Based on this, create a pattern that will be used for sawing the ceiling plinth. The device that you got, you can use to measure the remaining angles.

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How to make gaps invisible?

You still have the opportunity to make the gaps to a certain extent invisible. The gaps between the wooden fillets can be filled with putty, and then wiped with sandpaper. The space between the ends of the foam products is filled with acrylic sealant. It is desirable that the compositions for filling gaps in strips of PPP did not differ in tone from the fillers themselves.

Some manufacturers produce corner plates for ceiling fillets. By purchasing them in a set with baseboards, you greatly facilitate the process of joining the corner parts of the slats. All defects will be hidden behind the lining.